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[车膜知识] How to write a text with SEO techniques?









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-12 13:55:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It is important first of all to start from what the characteristics of Google are; on the other hand, when we want to obtain some result it is essential to know the characteristics of our 'enemy'. In this case the most used search engine on the internet worldwide.Well, for some years now Google has gradually overturned its content indexing parameters by introducing various algorithms over time (see Google Panda and Google Penguin) aimed at a single purpose: to reward the quality of sites at the expense of quantity.

Google has essentially become intelligent, it has  Business Owner Phone Numbers List come to think almost like a human being and is therefore able to understand if a site offers content of real interest, information that is truly useful to readers or if, vice versa, it is a site artfully built to generate clicks stop.Quality first of all: if they had told us this years ago we would probably have laughed out loud but today we have arrived at this result. And quality is measured above all, although not exclusively, by the textual contents that are included on our site.In general, a text for the internet must be written presenting some characteristics which can be summarized as follows:Originality of contentsThe originality of the content is perhaps the most important factor. The texts we insert on our site must absolutely be original, not taken verbatim from other sites. The temptation to copy and paste, for those who work online, is always around the corner. But it is essential not to give in to it.Text copied from top to bottom from another site and inserted into ours will be seen by Google as duplicate content ; consequently, it will suffer a strong penalty in positioning.

Quality of contentWho would have thought? Online, quality also has its value: we are not talking here about having a fresh, redundant, romanticized writing style. Far from it. This speaks to the overall quality of our text content. That is to say, of their real usefulness for the reader .Yes, because the secret is all here; it being understood that it is still about writing, therefore having a clean style and avoiding grammatical errors is more important than ever, what is fundamental is to answer this question: is what I am proposing useful content for readers? A text that provides information on a topic, explains something, and also attempts to train readers on a specific topic will certainly have more views, readings and shares .A text written just to fill a space or to try to artificially bring visitors to our site will be seen in a negative light by Google. Let us always remember the rule: write from the reader's point of view.


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