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[问答交流] As Lenin himself recognized in a speech in March









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-12 13:07:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The The soviets are in theory the source of the sovereignty of the new State but in reality it is the one that governs in its name.  the soviets which were by nature organs of government by the workers are in reality nothing more than organs of government for the workers government exercised by the strata. most advanced of the proletariat but not by the working masses.

The dictatorship of the proletariat soon became a dictatorship of a minority of Japan Telegram Number Data proletariat and then a dictatorship of the party. Lenin who despised utopias had nevertheless dreamed of a new type of State. In he responded to those opponents who treated him as deluded by saying that he knew very well that any laborer and any cook were not immediately capable of running the State but he made it a condition for erecting the new Soviet State that people immediately begin to participate in it.

The management of public affairs to all workers and the entire poor population. Less than a year later a nascent opposition within the Bolshevik Party itself the left communists reproached him for having forgotten the theses of The State and the Revolution . Nicholas Bukharin even told him ironically at a meeting of the Bolshevik central committee It was very good to write like Lenin that any cook should learn to run the State. But what happens if each cook has a commissioner who constantly watches over hereleven. Daniel and Gabriel CohnBendit repeat the idea half a century later It would be easy to oppose to Lenin what he himself wrote in in The State and the Revolution . Every sentence of that book is a denunciation of the Bolshevik practice of the years .. For some authors such as Andr Glucksmann the Stalinist terror was nothing other than the continuation of the Bolshevik terror.


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