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[品牌新闻] The editor of this section has many features









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发表于 2024-2-17 13:40:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
After writing the content, the first thing you should do is determine the title of the page, which is placed in the H1 or H2 tag, depending on the site's layout. Under this section, you can also set the URL of the post. This item can be easily edited without even touching a code. 6. Optimized content In the next step, you are facing the content section. including thickening the text, underlining it, creating hyperlinks, adding more headings, uploading images, and most importantly, placing text content that can be easily tracked by search engines.

All these basic parts of SEO are in front of you. 7. High speed Tajikistan Email List of the site in WordPress In the previous paragraphs, we mentioned that the use of other paid or dedicated platforms can be limited in responding to your SEO needs. Among these things is site speed optimization, which is a big problem in many platforms. In recent years, Google has paid a lot of attention to the issue of site speed and considers it one of the ranking factors of sites. To optimize the speed of the site in WordPress, we suggest you to read the article on increasing the speed of the site in WordPress .

What happens if your site's outdated content management system is unable to implement Google standards? This is not a big problem in WordPress. The default version of WordPress and its basic themes have good loading speed. Although the final loading speed of the site depends on many factors, including the amount of content on the page, the amount of use of scripts and other issues, fortunately there are plugins such as Autoptimize and WP Super Cache for WordPress that you can use to increase the speed.


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