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[问答交流] Be Alert! More Women May Get Cystitis









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-12-13 13:30:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Most of the time, this disease does not appear as a separate disease but is part of a urinary tract infection or secondary to other diseases of the urinary tract. Inflammation of the bladder can be classified as acute or chronic, and the two are interchangeable. Acute cystitis without thorough treatment may extend into chronic cystitis, while patients with chronic cystitis may experience acute episodes of cystitis when the body's resistance is reduced or when local pathological factors are aggravated.

Once a woman has got cystitis, they must pay attention Telegram Number Data to it and don't think about slowly getting better. Once the bladder is inflamed, the woman becomes susceptible to inflammation, and it will not heal without treatment. At the same time, some bad habits of women can also increase the likelihood of contracting cystitis. Cystitis is a common gynecological disease. When women are not clean in the perineal area, various pathogenic bacteria can move upstream and induce infections.

Bad hygiene habits, such as wiping the wrong way after urination (women should wipe from back to front), not changing underwear often, washing the underwear in the wrong way, wearing a swimsuit while swimming and being sedentary for a long time, and not cleaning well before and after sexual intercourse, can all cause bacterial infestation. When bacteria attack, there is a burning sensation in urination, which is often relieved after cleaning the vagina and urethra. In addition, the bacteria make the urethra sensitive, and the stimulation it receives during intercourse makes it swollen and obstructs urination.


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