the field of Value Added Tax, the possibility of exonerating certain taxable persons from the obligation to submit the annual summary declaration is established, the specification of which is referred to development by Ministerial Order, considering the principle of limitation of indirect costs. derived from compliance with formal obligations and taking into account the information that they will be required to provide in their tax self-assessments. To adapt the regulations on mutual assistance to the projects currently being developed for the automatic exchange of information based on a global and standardized system, which aims to prevent and fight against tax fraud, an article is added to the General Regulation of actions and the tax management and inspection procedures and the development of common standards for tax.
Application procedures, approved by Royal Decree 1065/2007, of July 27, article 37 bis, which regulates the obligation of financial institutions to provide information on financial accounts and to identify the residence or, where applicable, nationality of the persons who hold ownership or control thereof in accordance with the due diligence standards WhatsApp Number List that will be determined by Order of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations. ... EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR SUBSCRIBERS Last legal minute e-mail Receive our newsletter for free RELATED TOPICS: SHARESHARETWEET Drafting READING TIME: < 1 MIN Published 06/27/2014 09:30 CONVERT TO PDF JURISPRUDENCEAdministrative Procedure The fact that the administrative file is incomplete is not a cause for nullity of the contested administrative act.
National Court Litigation Chamber – 04/09/2014 The contentious-administrative appeal filed against the dismissal resolution of the Central Economic Administrative Court, regarding the challenge of liquidation by personal income tax and imposition of sanctions, is dismissed. The Chamber declares that the file has been completed on three occasions, both at the request of the appellant and at the request of the State Attorney, having finally sent the entire file, and yet, the plaintiff, both in the written allegations made on September 13, 2013, as in the written conclusions, insists on the lack of certain documents, confusing the possible nullity of the administrative acts due to omission of the procedure with the fact that the file is not complete.