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[问答交流] How are cities built using digital media?









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发表于 2023-11-27 14:09:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It was a summer Tuesday, a sunny day when I was walking along the River Thames, full of people, some queuing to go up the London Eye, others having a beer, many others taking photos and having a good time.

I continued walking, enjoying a scene different from what I knew, I was 21 years old and I was in the most cosmopolitan megalopolis in the world. A large red brick construction caught my attention in the distance, a few minutes later I was in front of the Tate Modern, a sign indicated the name of the temporary exhibition that announced:

“Global Cities: In 2007 for the first time in history 50% of the people on earth are living cities.”

This day marked one of the most impactful Telegram Number Data moments for me in the growth of cities, sustainability, and urban architecture.

Before continuing, let's look at the projection of how the % of the population living in cities continues to grow:

The learning of bringing people and developers together to build cities.

Last week together with ULI México (Urban Land Institute México) we held a workshop about how to use digital marketing to generate business results, it lasted an entire morning and was divided into two main parts:

How to generate business results in your current developments.
How to ensure the commercial success of your future developments.
In the first part we reviewed the process to achieve a digital strategy to sell properties that are already in pre-sale or immediate delivery and seek to reach a specific market. All with the goal of ultimately creating a dynamic in teams where they will apply the concepts acquired through our Real Estate Digital Strategy Canvas.

There were many opinions and great ideas, finally a great learning is that each stage of the process requires monitoring with military discipline the metrics that allow you to know if the investments you are making really have the effect on your ads, on your blog, on your website, in the generation of contacts, in the profiling of contacts, in the visits to your developments and finally in the closures.

In the second part we summarize the process of how to start a new development from the purchase of land, land use, competition and absorption analysis to the projection of sales speed, we all in a certain way agree that this is the way to make a new development.

Leaving this process aside, we focused on reviewing statistics from a sample of 1,600 people interested in buying a home in CDMX during the last quarter of 2017. We used apartment developments, of different prices, based on the time in which the People told us that they wanted to buy their home (graph 1) and based on this, their income level and payment method (graph 2).

With this information, the teams had to design the development that they were going to sell based on this data, just as in the first part there were many opinions and great conclusions.

Not everything is urban planning, good architecture and great real estate developments. Today's citizens are hyperconnected through different media and it is very easy to obtain information practically in real time. If you want to know more about how digital media helps us identify demand for your future developments.


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