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I never had a blog to make money









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-9-12 18:20:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
REPLY comment-avatar jesus escalona 5 years What I can understand is that in order to generate a profit of 150 euros you must have at least 100,000 visits per month, but the problem is how to generate those visits naturally. REPLY comment-avatar Telemedical web 5 years Monetization with Adsense is only one part of the pie, there are many more, and more are coming. I advise you to have several niches and that way the profits are multiplied. REPLY comment-avatar Felix Maocho 5 years I never had a blog to make money. My intention was to have a speaker for my ideas and perhaps influence the way of thinking of other people.

I managed to have more than 100,000 visits a month, but they Phone Number List declined because Google, which was the one that sent me 80% of the visits, changed its way of positioning the pages. Now it places first those that produce some benefit, pages simply advertised on Google. , to other pages that are not, but support Adsense and Adwords ads. I never wanted that type of advertisement, because for the shit they pay, I prefer to keep my blog without ads. Maybe I did wrong and I should have posted them, but I didn't, and I was penalized and today I'm around 700 visits a day, when I was around 3000. Since I don't write to put what I've written in a drawer so that no one can read it, I've decided to write only,when I feel like it and the topic I feel like and forget about whether the audience is small or large.

Goodbye audience! If you haven't wanted to visit me regularly and participate with your comments, I understand you, but if I lose you I don't lose anything. Goodbye Google!It was nice while it lasted and your motto was “Don 't be evil". I'm not complaining, today you are a publicly traded company and you owe it to your shareholders and not to two crazy guys who invented the horn of plenty. I don't blame you for anything, for a long time you sent me thousands of "paratroopers" to my pages, without asking me for anything in return.


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