jinathjemi88888 发表于 2024-3-14 17:43:43

The PSOE wins the European elections in Spain, the

The PSOE has won the European elections with almost 33% of the votes and 20 seats, 4 more than in the previous elections, according to the first data. The PP falls and gets 12 MEPs, 5 less. Vox wins 3 seats and thus enters the European Parliament for the first time. In the European Parliament the popular ones win. You can read other news in Business Insider Spain. The PSOE has won the European elections with 32.94% of the votes,compared to the 23% it obtained in the European elections 5 years ago, and would achieve 20 seats, 4 more, according to the first data, with 85.64% counted .

This was announced this Sunday by the Government spokesperson, Isabel Celaá, and the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska. The Socialist Party has achieved this result with 6,300,000 votes, and its deputies SW Business Directory will join the European socialist group, where it would be one of the most relevant parties. On the other hand, the PP gets 20.09% of the votes (3,855,000) and 12 seats, 5 less; Ciudadanos achieved 12.29% (2,345,000) and 7 seats, 6 more, and Unidas Podemos 10.12% (1,949,000 votes) and 6 seats, 2 more than in the previous ones.


Meanwhile, Vox monopolizes 6.22% (1,193,000 votes) and 3 seats, thus entering the European chamber for the first time. Now Republics (ERC, Bildu and BNG) achieve 3 seats; Junts, the candidacy led by Carles Puigdemont, gets 2, and the PNV one, the same one it already had. Participation has been the highest since 1987, from 46% then to 64% now, driven by the coincidence of municipal and regional elections in much of Spain with European ones. In the event that the United Kingdom leaves the European Union soon, as planned, Spain would go from having 54 MEPs to adding 5 more.

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