tamim@gmail.com 发表于 2024-3-6 17:55:29

View contains templates

Design pattern that separates three important components in building a web application, namely Model, View, and Controller. Models are components that are responsible for managing data in a database. The model can retrieve, store, change, or delete data in the database. View is the component responsible for displaying data in the browser.

View contains templates or views that determine how data will be displayed in the browser. The controller Indonesia Phone Number is the component responsible for managing the application logic. The controller receives requests from the browser and determines what to do next, such as fetching data from the Model and displaying that data in the View. To create an application using the MVC design pattern in Codeigniter, you need to create three files, namely Model, View, and Controller. Also read:Panduan Lengkap:

Cara Membuat Blog Keren yang Bisa Jadi Sumber Pendapatan Pertama-tama, kamu perlu membuat Model untuk mengelola data pada basis data. Dalam Model, kamu dapat menentukan tabel apa saja yang akan digunakan dan koneksi basis data yang akan digunakan. Selanjutnya, kamu perlu membuat View untuk menampilkan data pada browser. View berisi template atau tampilan yang menentukan bagaimana data akan ditampilkan pada browser. Terakhir, kamu perlu membuat Controller untuk mengatur logika aplikasi. Dalam Controller, kamu dapat menentukan permintaan what will be received and what should be done next, such as taking data from the Model and displaying the data in the View.

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