Being suddenly de-platformed could
本帖最后由 piloyniloy09@gm 于 2024-2-24 21:26 编辑Cons You don’t control the platform If having control of yourcontent is a top priority for your blog, Medium is unlikely to be the rightchoice for you. As you won’t be operating your own website, you are,theoretically, at the platform’s mercy. In a worst-case (and admittedlyunlikely) scenario, Medium’s moderators could decide your content is unsuitableand remove your posts or even suspend your account. Should you use your blogfor business purposes,be an embarrassingblow for your brand. If it can happen to Trump on Twitter... You’re at themercy of changing trends If you rely on Medium as your only
blog website, you could also face a massive personal blow ifMedium Pakistan Mobile Number List were to suddenly suffer a downturn in fortune and no longer hold theappeal it currently does for its massive readership. While it’s hard to imaginenow, think of examples such as MySpace or MSN Messenger. In an age beforeFacebook or Instagram, these were the go-to platforms for many of us during ourteenage years, but they are now essentially defunct. It isn’t easy to getnoticed With such a wealth of interesting and informed contributors, you maystruggle to make your voice heard above the crowd of popular content. Even withbrilliant content and an engaging
blogging style, you may be competing against those with a moreestablished reputation. While this doesn't make success impossible fornewcomers, it underlines the importance of investing time, energy, and patienceinto producing content that will resonate with your intended readership. It’shard to get (tangible) results While Medium can be a fantastic tool for addingintangible value to your business in the form of goodwill and increased brandawareness, the same isn’t necessarily true for more quantifiable metrics.Unless you use your Medium blog to drive your readers to your own website, youmay struggle to convert your readers into