sakil627 发表于 2024-2-15 19:18:04

Chile holds its breath before the most momentous

Chile holds its breath this Saturday on the day before the most momentous presidential elections of the last 30 years, in which the former left-wing student leader Gabriel Boric and the far-right José Antonio Kast will compete to replace the conservative Sebastián Piñera . In the streets, on public transport or on the terraces of a summer Chile, there is no talk of anything other than this vote, which according to experts is the most decisive for the future of the country since the plebiscite that ousted Augusto . Pinochet of power. More than 15 million people are called to go on Sunday to one of the 2,500 voting locations.

which as of today are guarded by security forces, as explained by the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado. AVOID ABSTENTIONISM The latest polls agree that Boric would win the runoff with Japan Email List between 5 and 14 points of advantage, although experts affirm that the outlook is very uncertain taking into account the narrow margin between the two candidates in the first round -2 percentage points- . Added to this is that the participation in the last vote was only 47% and that according to the latest forecasts, released on December 4 - the last day on which the law allows polls to be published - there is a large percentage of undecided people.

According to the pollster Cadem, a quarter of Chileans in the census still do not have a clear preference or will not go to the polls. "I'm not going to go, I like Chile the way it is now, and those two candidates are not going to achieve anything. They are very extreme," Melany Cavieres , a 28-year-old student from Santiago, told Efe . This feeling is shared by Luis Felipe, a middle-aged man who lives in a wealthy neighborhood of the capital. "None of them represent my ideas. I'm going to go vote but only to prevent the one I don't want from coming out," he told Efe. During the day, Kast remained reserved and Boric called for participation from Magallanes, his homeland, in the extreme south of the country. "We need them.

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