julekha5454 发表于 2024-2-14 17:47:01

Sleep disorders and tips to sleep better

本帖最后由 julekha5454 于 2024-2-14 17:51 编辑

Nowadays, whether due to stress, not leading an adequate lifestyle or chronic problems, many people have difficulty falling asleep. If this is your case, in this article we talk about the possible causes of sleep disorders and give you some tips to remedy them. Causes of insomnia There are a wide variety of factors that affect the quality of our sleep. For this reason it is important to look at each one of them and evaluate which one is failing. Furthermore, if difficulty sleeping lasts over time, it can cause health problems. Among the most serious sleep disorders are sleep apnea (respiratory arrest that causes you to wake up), chronic insomnia, restless legs syndrome or RLS (uncontrollable urge to move your legs), and parasomnia (brief episodes of waking up). If you suspect any of these disorders, or if your sleeping problems have not subsided for some time, see a doctor who will refer you to a specialist.

Nowadays many people suffer from stress and this is one of the main factors that prevent us from sleeping well. In addition, the lifestyle we lead, the environment in which we sleep (mattress, light, electronic objects, sounds, temperature...), schedules, etc. can be combined. Tips to stop sleeping badly Watch Uganda Phone Number List your schedule: When it comes to going to sleep it is also important to get into a routine. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time so that your body is accustomed and ready for sleep. It also helps to do something quiet and relax like reading a book or taking a bath. Turn your bedroom into a “sanctuary”: Prepare your room so that it becomes an ideal place for sleep. Your bedroom has to be a place where you feel safe and very comfortable. To achieve this, choose a comfortable mattress that suits your tastes and needs. Bet on natural materials such as our natural latex mattresses or our ecological bedding . comfortable bedroom Keep the environment cool, but not enough to make it feel cold. Find the right temperature for you. In the morning, ventilate the room so that the air is renewed.


Take care of the environment to be able to sleep in a healthy room. Control the light. Sleeping completely in the dark helps you fall asleep. It is important that there are no distractions: turn off lights on electronic devices such as laptops and move your cell phone away from your bedside table. Use a mask if you don't have blinds. Make sure your bedroom is quiet. If you live in a busy area, use earplugs. Take care of your lifestyle: Everything you do during the day can affect the quality of your sleep. It is important to try to maintain a similar schedule every day and not go to bed late. Naturally, the body needs to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun rises. Following this schedule is not possible many months of the year but at least we can maintain a regular schedule. Exercising regularly will help you sleep better. When doing sports, endorphins are generated, substances that promote a feeling of well-being and relaxation that help you have quality sleep. Of course, it is advisable not to exercise at night, since you will be too active when it comes to going to bed and this can harm your sleep. Alcohol and nicotine from cigarettes also negatively affect sleep.

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