shima672 发表于 2023-12-11 13:05:27

Data instead of cold calling: sales precision thanks to technology

Due to the great complexity of the sales process, sales always depended on coincidences or luck. Everyone is different, thinks differently, reacts differently, has different interests, etc. Therefore, we always need a large number of potential customers to engage in conversation with and many more to see our advertising before receiving an inquiry about our product. Therefore, attracting new customers has never been a popular task, because by nature most of the people we come into contact with will not have any interest in our product. It doesn't matter what the product is. It has always taken a large number of conversations and contacts before obtaining the first results. The result is a daily life characterized by rejection and frustration. Today, however, there are more precise methods to attract new customers.

Index How cold calling worked before “Shot-in-the-dark approach” What does a successful cold call look like today? Digital tools can help Data instead of random start in cold calling What data should we measure? Select the right sales tools How cold calling worked before “Mass brings class” has long been a proven rule in sales, one Phone Number Listthat is increasingly difficult to apply in the digital age. If it can still be done, it is at an increasing cost. In traditional sales, you often had as many addresses or potential customers as possible in one way or another, who were then contacted. This involved contacting as many people as possible who may or may not be interested in the company's product. Previous note: most were not. Therefore, this approach is very tedious for sales people, because one faces a considerable number of rejections. Random callers were rarely happy to be contacted by the seller, the whole process was cumbersome and frustrating for both parties.

So why were companies still or still using this method? Because from the large number of low-quality individual addresses, some orders gradually emerged. However, the quotas were often miserable, with one client for every 40 contacts or even less. This was mainly because potential clients were not pre-screened or qualified in any specific way. It was the classic “shooting in the dark approach.” “Shot-in-the-dark approach” Imagine that you are in a completely dark room with a rifle and you have to shoot at a target. What are you doing? You can just try to aim in any direction and pull the trigger. Maybe a bullet deflects toward the target. If you have enough cartridges, sooner or later you will hit the target. At least with a few tries. However, in many cases you will run out of ammo before hitting the target. The situation is similar with cold calling. Only instead of cartridges, we use tracks.

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